Ok boys and girls there are several ways to subscribe to Mashuptown so you don't miss out on any great tracks.
1. Subscribe by email. You can do that by filling in the box below. Any time there is a new track posted to the site you will get an email automatically sent to your inbox later that night. Within the email will be links to download the tracks.
2. Subscribe via iTunes (rss). This is probably the easiest way to subscribe if you have iTunes loaded on your machine. Within seconds of a track being posted your iTunes client will be able to see it and download it immediately. Follow these instructions:
Open iTunes
Got to the advanced tab (don't worry :)
Click on 'Subscribe to Podcasts'
Copy this url and enter it in the field: http://feeds.feedburner.com/typepad/InoM
That's it.
3. RSS via another RSS aggregator. That depends on what client you are using but you can use the same url above: http://feeds.feedburner.com/typepad/InoM
4. Kick it old school. Of course you could also just visit the site every once in a while and manually download the tracks too but you might just miss a good one so we recommend the above methods. Once you download the tracks (desktop or where ever) you can drag them to your mp3 playa of choice.
If you have any questions send us an email at mashuptown at gmail dot com.