I started a crude website (ok its still crude) using Typepad that would help others find Mashuptracks that were starting to be distributed online but were still difficult to find. FF four years. The music genre still amazes me along with all of the talented artists that mix the tracks. We hope that this site is still helpful and brings your great music that you have since forgotten and new artists that peak your interest. Below is what I believe to be the first actual Mashup I heard. I was on a run and listening to one of the first podcasts that was starting to hit the interwebs. Adam Curry started playing the Mashup below that stopped me in my tracks. The experience was strong enough to get me to start searching for more Mashups online. I found few and they were scattered willy nilly about the net. That experience was strong enough to get me to start a site where I could share what I had found. Thanks to all of those who have contributed time, effort, music and thoughts. Since we started many Mashup sites have come and gone, we hope to be around as long as folks want us. Appreciate your attention. Keep it real. If you are on twitter.com we'd appreciate a retweet. Peace.
Video: Sharp Dressed Party - VJ Brewski
Visit VJ Brewski <HERE>
Visit Divide and Kreate <HERE>