We told you about Go Home Productions aka Mark Vilder and
his 20 track mashup retrospective a few weeks ago. Well forget about that retrospective. You can now get every single one of the
mashups he made between 2002 and 2007 over at his website HERE (Almost all,
actually. He has 12 of 16 CDs up, and
promises the last four soon). That’s
right, 16 CDs of pure, adulterated, Go Home Productions goodness! GHP is one of the top mashup producers in the
world, so you’ll be sure to find many keepers. And I say "was," because he claims to have retired to focus on remixes and
original productions. Unfortunate, but
at least the man will still be bastardizing music in some way. Here is a track he made early in his mashup
‘career,’ back in 2002. It’s called The
Weather Episode, which got some play on