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The Tracklist for the album is as follows:

01. Celebrity Murder Party (feat. Joanne Lunan) - Sympathy for the Soul of the Beast
Iron Maiden vs George Michael vs The Soupdragons vs The Rolling Stones vs King Curtis

03. Lobsterdust - Marley Maiden (from Exodus to Revelations)
Iron Maiden vs Bob Marley

04. Copycat - Numb World (A Copycat Mash)
Iron Maiden vs Pet Shop Boys

05. Celebrity Murder Party - This Brutal Oilslave
Nitro Deluxe vs Iron Maiden vs Future Sound of London vs Muslim Gauze vs Brian Eno and David Byrne vs Midnight Oil

06. Wax Audio - Maiden goes to Hollywood
Frankie goes to Hollywood vs Iron Maiden

07. The Illuminoids - 30 Running Adidas
Iron Maiden vs Run DMC vs Bow Wow Wow

08. DJ Schmolli - Deja Vu Vu
Beyonce vs Iron Maiden

11. Simon Iddol - Overkill of the beast
Piano Tribute to Iron Maiden vs Kosheen

Shhhh. DJ Morgoth - Iron Maiden
DJ Morgoth (karaoke) vs Bad News


"Like Spinal Tap, they turned it all the way up to 11"... haha. I think some people are starting to forget that Spinal Tap was a spoof/comedy/parody.

Anyhow. Wow, what an idea. Checking it out now!


great! i was looking for this for some time! MAIDEN RULEZ!


This is awesome stuff. I used to Maiden loads when I was in my teens so this brings back more than a few memories.

BTW, hate to be a real nerd or anything, but... that's Primal Scream in the first track, not the Soup Dragons...

A plus D

This rawks! Well done! Loving this ... expect more Iron Maiden in the Bootie Top 10!


my computer doesn't process .rar files very well. is there any way i could get it in a .zip file or something?


WTF? This is the second time in a week that I've seen Maiden refered to as a 'hair metal' band. They weren't. C.f., Ratt, Poison, etc.


Skeptical but pleased, tracks 2,3,7 and 11 impressed me!

Diehard Maiden fan but these were unique and worth the download.

Dj Stefi

just great! have no words! i give 11/10


Wow!!! This is some of the best mash up's I've ever heard.

I can't believe Beyonce & Maiden go together so beautifully!


Hi, my link to download the .rar file comes up with a lot of weird computer language. Any chance of getting it somewhere else?


Hi, my link to the download page just comes up with a lot of computer lanaguage. Is that just an error, if not can I get it somewhere else?

richard errington

mmmm odd same here just a load of syntax


It's a rar file, you need to right click it and save file to desktop. Then use Winrar to unrar it. You can google it and download it. The version I use just bugs you about buying it but it works without buying it. Much like Textpad. It's just like Winzip but a different compression algorithm, actually much better.

Great mix guys, good job.


heard the marley maiden on lazlow show.
Totally kicks ass..job well done

up da reefers \m/


These guys who do mashups are practically magicians! I can't understand how they do it.



I like this track . I have listened to it million times


I'm real Iron Maiden fan! And i think the best trrack from this new album is "Copycat - Numb World. You can find it at

Volker Lange

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ich mich freuen.
Viele Grüße von Westerland

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My neighbor used to listen to iron maiden really loud.

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I am crazy about iron maiden.I love it so much as no one like it.

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