Yo, Yo, Yo, this weeks Mashup is coming to you courtesy of the most expensive broadband connection I've ever paid for. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in the Windiest City of them all - Chicago. Here is "Walk this way without me". Mashed by the very talentented and hounorable Mei-Lwun (I am bowing right now). This is a pimped out Mash combining Aerosmith's "Walk this way" with some Slim Shaddy lyrics.
Terms of use:
1) You must burn this to CD
2) Put in your car stereo
3) At the first stoplight roll down your windows
4) Crank it for the entire red light.
Have a great weekend and sorry for the late upload.
*Note: this Mashup is not work safe
Eminem Vs Aerosmith - walk this way without me
Eminem - Without Me
Aerosmith - Walk this Way